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Dr. Gorden Simango giving his Keynote address at the symposium

AACC participates in High-Level Symposium on Bottom-Up Approaches to Mediation and Dialogue

The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) participated in a High-Level Symposium on "Bottom-Up Approaches to Mediation and Dialogue: Strengthening Infrastructures for Peace" at the Africa University (AU) campus in Mutare, Zimbabwe. The event, organized by AU and the Berghof Foundation, highlighted the importance of "insider mediators" (IMs) – individuals deeply rooted in conflict contexts who can effectively facilitate peacebuilding. The guest of honor at the event was Dr. Akok Manyuat Madut, Head of Mediation and Dialogue Division at the African Union Commission.

The symposium coincided with the conclusion of a five-day IM training of trainers (ToT) workshop, part of the "Building of Peace from the Inside: Supporting Insider Mediation (IM) for Sustainable Transformation of Conflict Phase 2" project. This initiative, funded by the European Union through the Berghof Foundation and implemented by Africa University, aimed to equip IMs with the necessary skills and knowledge in mediation, negotiation, and dialogue. Trained IMs have formed an IMs network for Zimbabwe.

During the symposium, participants emphasized the unique advantages of IMs, drawing parallels to the proverb, "It is the wearer of the shoe who knows where it pains most." IMs, deeply embedded in their communities, understand the nuances of local conflicts, cultural practices, and the underlying causes of tension. They possess the trust and legitimacy to bridge divides and facilitate lasting peace.

Gorden Simango, representing the AACC General Secretary, highlighted the need for greater recognition of IMs' crucial role in early conflict resolution. He advocated for integrating mediation into conflict prevention strategies rather than relying on it during active conflict.
He also emphasized the importance of learning from traditional conflict resolution methods and ensuring women's active participation in peacebuilding efforts. He further stressed the need for complementarity between insider and outsider mediation processes from local to national, regional, and continental levels. He also called for recognizing the vital role of faith-based mediation, urging against viewing them as an afterthought or a secondary option.


In the photo - [Dr. Gorden Simango giving his keynote speech ]