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Youth Leaders facilitate Peer to Peer dialogues on SRHR and Sustainable Population Growth in Zambia during a training facilitated by the AACC

AACC trained Youth Leaders facilitate Peer to Peer dialogues on SRHR and Sustainable Population Growth in Zambia

In May 2024, three youth leaders of the Reformed church in Zambia participated in AACC’s Training of trainers on promoting sexual and reproductive health and Rights (SRHR) and Sustainable population growth in Africa. After the training, youth leaders Robert Kaluba, Justina Mbewe, and Clement Dalitso Phiri strategized on how to utilize the skills and knowledge gained from the training to transform cultural and religious norms, values, and practices that undermine the quality of Sexual and Reproductive health and perpetuate the abuse of sexual and reproductive health rights among youth in Zambian communities.

“We shared with the entire youth committee a report about our participation in the training and proposed that our department revises its plans for the second half of the year to integrate promoting SRHR and SPG in our mission work.”  Clement Dalitso Phiri, National Youth Secretary of the Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ), reported. “We also managed to sell our plan to the church leadership and secured what we need to achieve this.” He affirmed.

The first dialogue occurred on 15th September 2024 at the Reformed Church in Misisi compound.

“Misisi compound is a densely populated urban area plagued by high rates of teenage pregnancies, menstrual poverty, early marriages, and Sexual & Gender Based Violence among other SRHR challenges.” Noted Justina.  

During the dialogue, Justine, Clement, and Robert used Contextual bible studies to help participants explore the role of SRHR and sustainable families in promoting holistic health and healing, appreciate the need to embrace good health-seeking habits, and identify cultural and religious values, attitudes, and norms that endanger human dignity and quality of life to transform.

“We intend to have two more in-person dialogues in different congregations within Lusaka between now and our national youth Gathering in December, but we are also planning to have this replicated in the other provinces.” Noted Clement in his report to the AACC Executive Secretary, Youth.

Related article: AACC Equips youth leaders to promote SRHR and Sustainable families in Zambia 

In the photo - [Some of the participants during the dialogue at the Reformed Church in Misisi compound on 15th September 2024. Courtesy: Clement Dalitso Phiri.]