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AACC has Published the 11th Issue of the African Pulse

The eleventh issue of the African Pulse reports about the various programmatic interventions implemented and milestones reached by the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) from January to the end of April 2024, a period that marked the beginning of the AACC's journey of implementing its 2024-2028 strategy. In addition to reporting about the organization's programmatic interventions and accompaniment to the member churches, the issue also features a comprehensive interview with the AACC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki sharing his experience from the courtesy visit he paid to the churches in China.

"I invite you to have a glimpse of the very commendable work done by the AACC." Notes the General Secretary in his message to the readers. 

Click here to download the African Pulse Issue 10