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Participants during one of the sessions

“Africa is our Home and Future.” Methodist Youth Leaders charged to build the Africa We Want.

The 33rd Youth conference of the Methodist Church Zimbabwe (MCZ) was held between 24th and 26th May 2024 in Bulawayo and attended by 160 delegates. These included lay and ordained Methodist youth leaders across Zimbabwe and the church's diaspora fellowships in South Africa, Australia, United Kingdom. The conference was graced by the Conference Chairperson Bishop P. Simango, the MCZ General Secretary Rev L. Molife and the Lay President G. Hanyane. 

While presenting her report for adoption and discussion, the Youth and Children's Coordinator, Rev. M. Chiwara outlined the inspiring milestones reached by the department since 2023. She deeply appreciated the youth leaders for their hard work and commitment.

The Youth President, Mr. Simbarashe Henry Sinamani moderated a session evaluating the effectiveness of the church’s missional work in meeting the needs of the young people. Delegates applauded the great efforts towards addressing drug abuse and substance use among Zimbabwean youth and asked that efforts towards addressing SGBV, prostitution and unemployment be advance.

“We recommend that the church creates safe spaces for conversations on sexuality to address the challenges youth are struggling with in this area.” Noted Simbarashe as he reported about the session to the conference for further discussion.

On the 2024 Africa Day, the AACC Executive Youth Secretary, Brian Muyunga addressed the conference on the youth leaders' role in promoting Pan-Africanism under the theme, ‘Africa: My Home. My. Future,' and the Churches Campaign Against SGBV in Africa.

“When your home has a leaking roof, you don’t just abandon it and because you can seek refuge in your neighbors'.  Rather, you fix the roof such that you can find comfort and safety in your home.  Africa is our home and instead of striving to migrate with hopes of finding greener pastures beyond its borders, we better focus on fixing the leaks in its roof and transform the continent into the Africa We want.” He noted.

The Executive Youth Secretary urged the youth leaders to be models of active citizenship just like Jesus whom they seek to emulate was. He urged youth to prepare and purpose to participate in the second All Africa Youth Congress scheduled for 2025 with the aim of inspiring the African Youth to be devoted Pan-Africanists championing Africa’s sustainable development. Having devoted time expounding on the youth leaders' role in ending SGBV in Africa, Brian led the conference in undertaking the All Africa Youth Network’s Pledge of Commitment against SGBV in Africa.

“We leave this place inspired, and with renewed strength to go serve God and Humanity in our respective quarters. May God abide with us.” Affirmed the Youth Vice President, Ms. Patricia V. Matemera in her closing remarks. 

In the photo: Some of the delegates during the lay youth leaders' session. [Courtesy: MCZ]