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Call for grants poster

Call for proposals for small grants for the Churches Campaign against SGBV in Africa

Following the successful launch and inception of the Churches Campaign Against SGBV in Africa during AACC’s 12th General assembly in November 2023, and Staff retreat in February 2024, respectively, AACC member churches are now invited to apply for grant funding for youth lead projects aiming at ending SGBV through:

  1. Transforming toxic gender ideologies to promote life-affirming gender norms, values and practices and advocate for an end to SGBV for gender Justice in Africa
  2. Enhancing capacities of churches to effectively respond to the SGBV pandemic in a life affirming manner.

Grant size: Up to 3,500 USD.

Grant Period: Eight Months (September 2024 – September 2025)

Application deadline: 26th July 2024

For more details, please see the Call for proposals here:

How to apply

Please download and complete the application form here and submit it via email to:, cc:

Call for proposals-Eng

Call for proposals-French

Application form-Eng

Application form-French