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Prayer alert for the Republic of Kenya

Brothers and sisters, pray for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:25 NIV)

Dear members of the Ecumenical Family, greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the past two weeks, there have been tensions in Kenya due to the nation-wide protests against the proposed 2024 Financial Bill. Specifically, the demonstrations held on Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27 June 2024 resulted into the loss of lives, destruction of property and many people left nursing wounds. We are sorry and saddened by this reality, and thankful to God for the intentional efforts to restoring peace by the various stakeholders. In solidarity with our member churches and the National Council of Churches in Kenya, we hereby call for prayers for the government and people of Kenya.

Let us pray that pray for:
-God to comfort the people and families who have lost their loved ones 
-The healing of those who are nursing physical and emotional wounds resulting from the protests
-The total restoration of peace in Kenya and the well-being of its citizens
-The Country’s national security and the protection of all its people and their property from the actions of those who may wish to take advantage of this challenging time to perpetuate evil. 
-God to guide the duty bearers such that the decisions they make are sensitive to the people’s realities. 

Thank you very much. 

Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki.
The General Secretary

Click here to download the prayer alert