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Dr Fidon Mwombeki

AACC General Secretary Presents Fraternal Greetings to the Biennial Conference of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone

On 17th May 2024, the AACC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki embarked on a visit to the AACC member churches in Western Africa. His visit began from Gambia to Guinea and now in Sierra Leone. Today, the General Secretary addressed the Biennial Conference of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone and expressed AACC’s gratitude to the Church for its significant contributions to the organization's life and work.

“You provided leadership for the AACC through the Rt. Rev. Arnold Temple who served as our President from 2018 to 2023. Bishop Arnold devoted his knowledge, time and energy to serve the AACC with diligence.” Noted the Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki. “We will eternally be grateful to him and to you as the church which sent him into that ministry.” He affirmed.

Rev. Dr. Mwombeki also celebrated the longstanding atmosphere of peace in Sierra Leone. However, he acknowledged that Africa still faces conflicts and violence, which undermines the goal of silencing the guns by 2020, as pledged in the African Union's Agenda 2063. He urged continued efforts toward peacebuilding, emphasizing the importance of credible elections and accepting defeat at the ballot box.  

The conference theme, "The Church in a Troubled World," resonated with Rev. Dr. Mwombeki. He emphasized that despite the challenges faced by the world, the church must continue to be a beacon of hope, serving as the salt and light of the World. 

"The AACC, as an instrument and forum for churches, plays a crucial role in addressing Africa's challenges." He noted.

He observed that Africa is faced by lack of hope for young people leading to frustrations and attempts to move out of the continent with the hope for a better life elsewhere.

"We are running a campaign, Africa: My Home. My Future. for the youth to inspire each other to know that when your home is leaking, you do not move to your neighbor's. Rather, you fix the roof."

The General Secretary implored the churches to fully support and finance the second All Africa Youth Congress on the theme, Africa: My Home. My Future. The Congress is scheduled for 2025 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia with the aim of inspiring African youth to love and invest in the sustainable development of Africa, their only home and the only place where their future is secure.  

In the Photo - [AACC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki addressing the Conference]