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What we do

What we do



  • Provides a coordinated voice for the churches in Africa and increased visibility of the African churches in international and ecumenical spheres
  • Accompanies churches in Africa in fulfilling the great commission and fosters their effective participation in God’s holistic mission.
  • Facilitates ecumenical and theological conversations among Christians in Africa to promote common witness to the Christian faith at the continental level
  • Engages on behalf of the churches in major initiatives like NEPAD, SDGs,
  • AU Agenda 2063, and also creates awareness of these issues among the churches;
  • Offers continental programs to address the needs of churches in Africa
  • With its observer status at the African Union, promotes information sharing, cooperation with the AU and its component institutions, and collaboration with other regional bodies among its members through its liaison office in Addis Ababa.
  • Unites Churches in Africa for advocay on pertinet continental and global issues, vioicing out the ethical and spiritual values to be upheld at all times.

Our Strategy


With eleven programmatic focus area, our current startegy ensures that churches and other Christian institutions in Africa significantly contribure to the realization of the Continenntal and Global suistsinable development agendas such as the 17 SDGs and the AU Agenda 2065: "The Africa we Want." Below are the eleven programmatic Focus areas;

1.   Theology and Interfain Relations
2.   Ecclesial Leadership Development
3.   Gender and Women
4.   Sustainable Population Growth in Africa
5.   Youth Participation in Church and Society
6.   Ecological Justice
7.   Economic Justice
8.   Migration, Trafficking in Persons and Modern Slavery
9.   Health and Healing
10. Peace in Africa
11. Advocay and The African Union Office