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AACC Convenes Multi-stakeholder Forum on Ending Femicide and other Forms of GBV in Kenya

In collaboration with its partners addressing the SGBV pandemic, the All Africa Conference of Churches convened a multi-stakeholder’s interfaith forum on ending femicide and all forms of GBV in Kenya. The forum took place at the Desmond Tutu Conference Center in Nairobi, Kenya on 28th May 2024.

In her welcome remarks, Rev. Dr. Lydia Mwaniki, Director for Gender and Women emphasized the collective responsibility of the faith based and civil society organizations to work for a world without SGBV. Ms. Alberta Wambua from the Gender Violence Recovery Center provided a comprehensive contextual analysis of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Africa and across the world, exploring its root causes, patterns, and effects on sustainable development. 

"Silence is Violence; Say No to Femicide. “Noted Rev. Dr. Lesmore Ezekiel while addressing the forum.

Joining the forum via zoom, Rev. Nicole Ashwood, Program Executive for Just Communities of Men and Women at the World Council of Churches stressed that femicide is a major threat to human dignity in every part of the world. The forum ended with participants pledging to speak up against heinous acts like Femicides and pursue justice for the lives lost. 

In the photo: Participants pledging to speak up against all forms of SGBV. [Courtsey - Kevin Maina].