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 -  Abuja, Nigeria
The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) is a continental ecumenical body that accounts for over 200 million Christians across the African continent, and a member of the worldwide ecumenical network. It is the largest association of Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, and Indigenous churches in Africa with 208 members comprising of Churches, National Councils of Churches (NCCs), Theological and lay training institutions and other Christian organizations in 43 African countries.  Since its foundation in 1963, AACC holds a general assembly for its member churches and Christian councils. This assembly is the largest ecumenical fellowship that convenes Christians from different African countries to not only worship together but also set an agenda for the Christian mission in Africa until the next assembly.The 12th General Assembly of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) with take place this year; 2023 on the theme: The Love of Christ Compels us. 2 Cor 5:14The Assembly will receive and discuss the report of the General Committee which was voted and constituted at the 11th General Assembly in Kigali, in 2018. It is also expected to make decisions concerning AACC’s strategy for the period 2024-2028, constitutional and membership matters, among other activities on its agenda.DatesThe 12th General Assembly of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) with take place between the 18th and 23rd of November 2023. The 60th Anniversary will be celebrated on 19th November 2023. Venue Abuja, Nigeria 
 -  St. Matthias House, ABUJA-NIGERIA
All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) will hold its Twelfth General Assembly in Abuja Nigeria from 18th-23rd November 2023 (18th Nov being arrival and 23rd Nov being departure). The theme of the Assembly is: “The Love of Christ Compels us…” (2 Corinthians 5:14). Prior to the Assembly, the AACC Program for Gender and Women has planned to conduct a two-day physical Women’s Pre-assembly Meeting on 17th and 18th November 2023, and a few virtual ones on the theme:  The Love of Christ compels us to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE). The objective of the Women Pre-Assembly Meeting will be to gather women delegates to reflect on the AACC 12th General Assembly theme and identify the issues of concern that affect and undermine women’s dignity. The key points gathered from the pre-assemblies will inform the Women’s Statement that will be read at the General Assembly.Some of the identified topics to be covered at the Pre-Assembly are: AU agenda 2063 Aspiration 6 and SDG5 with regard to GEWE, legal instruments for gender justice with special focus on Maputo Protocol and the role of women in facilitating their achievement, Gender Based Violence (GBV); Plight of Widows; Women’s Rights, State of GBV in Africa and Gender Equality in Church Leadership among others.ObjectivesTo strengthen the capacity of participants to engage with the AACC’s 12th General Assembly theme in the light of GEWE from a theological perspectiveTo develop an Assembly Statement proposing areas of focus by the AACC Gender, Women and Population program in the next strategic plan 2024-2028Strengthen collaboration and networking among women leaders in the AACC constituency and beyondVenue and dates St. Matthias House, ABUJA-NIGERIA16-18 November 2023
 -  Methodist Church Cathedral, Abuja Nigeria.
AACC’s 12th General Assembly scheduled for 18th – 23rd November 2023, will occur at a time that marks 10 years of implementation of the African Union Agenda 2063, and in the last decade of the implementation of the UN 17 sustainable development goals. These two development agendas have significant implications to the young people in the African continent.  A delay in achieving Africa’s sustainable development is an elongation of the social injustices that young people face and increase their vulnerability to poverty, wars and conflicts, modern-day slavery, health challenges, climate change crisis and exploitation, whose consequences make it hard for them to comprehend the love of Christ.The Assembly is also happening at a time when young people are increasingly migrating from the African continent to other parts of the world with a conviction that out there, it is easier for them to excel and flourish than in Africa. A number of young African emigrants use illegal and risky routes out of the continent such as the Mediterranean Sea and the Sub-Sahara Desert. In light of these realities, the AACC launched a campaign to inspire African young people to acknowledge and love Africa as their blessed home, see the opportunities they have to flourish in Africa, and to work for the Kind of continent that they want to live in and pass over to their future generations. This campaign runs on the theme; Africa: My Home. My Future. During the launch of the campaign at the All Africa Youth Congress in Ghana in November 2022, the young people affirmed that they want an Africa that is just, peaceful, and prosperous.AACC acknowledges that a just, peaceful, and prosperous Africa requires that the young people themselves are motivated to commit themselves to the work of transforming their countries and the continent.  Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 30. This high number of young people is indeed very vital in achieving Africa’s sustainable development agendas. Additionally, they form both the current and future human force needed for the growth and sustainability of ecumenism in Africa, and Globally. It is for this reason that the young people in Africa need to be supported to fully participate in all decision-making processes, given space to participate in governance, and trusted with the power to act, work, and innovate to make a difference in Africa’s ecumenical movement’s holistic mission and developmental work.To foster this, AACC is organizing an in-person youth encounter inform of a youth pre-assembly on the theme; “The love of Christ compels us to build the Africa the Youth Want”.  Which is in line with the AACC’s campaign on Africa: My Home. My Future. In addition to strengthening the youth leader’s capacity to confidently participate in the entire life of AACC’s assembly, this youth pre-assembly will create platforms for constructive engagements among Africa’s youth on their role in fostering Justice, peace and prosperity for Africa as their home and future. The pre-assembly will also provide the participants with a safe space to network and build the solidarity that would foster their joint efforts as ecumenical youth leaders in Africa beyond the assembly.Main ObjectiveTo Prepare and accompany Christian youth leaders for a meaningful participation at the All Africa Conference of Churches General Assembly, and enhance the ecumenical youth contribution to Africa’s sustainable development beyond the assembly.  Specific objectives To provide a safe ecumenical space for the participants to interrogate the prophetic role of the Church in Africa’s sustainable development. To provide a safe space for the participants to network and strategize for meaningful participation at AACC’s General Assembly election into AACC’s governance bodies  Dates 16th – 18th November 2023Venue Methodist Church Cathedral, Abuja Nigeria.  
 -  National Christian Center, Abuja, Nigeria
The All Africa Conference of Churches was established in April 1963 in Kampala, Uganda, and will be celebrating its 12th General Assembly and 60th Anniversary between 18th and 23rd November 2023, in Abuja- Nigeria. The 60th Anniversary festivities bring together delegates, partners, invited guests, observers, staff, and stewards to thank God and Celebrate the AACC’s 60-year journey, highlighting the organization's history, achievements, programmatic work, and future projections. The 12th General Assembly will bring together AACC members and partners for worship and fellowship, ecumenical dialogues, and other activities that affirm the oneness of the church in Africa, Additionally, it will also review AACC’s current constitution, elect the president and vice presidents of the AACC, elect members of the General Committee, Set the Agenda of the Conference for the next five years among other duties.  
 -  Abuja, Nigeria
Instituted during the 9th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique 2008, the All Africa Conference of Churches Theological institute aims at promoting intergenerational learning and mentorship of young theologians on ecumenical-related issues affecting Africa and beyond, with an intention of producing present and future ecumenical leaders for African churches and the world at large.The 9th Theological institute was officially opened on 7th November 2023 at the First Baptist Church – Garki Abuja Nigeria. 50 young theologians below 35 years and 5 facilitators drawn from all over the continent are participating in the institute. In his welcome remarks, Fr. Dr. John Njoroge, AACC’s Executive Secretary for theology and interfaith relations noted that the 9th theological institute will foster a deep understanding of theological concepts, ignite meaningful dialogues, inspire and produce transformative ecumenical leaders who build the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12).“I expect to hear diverse voices from fellow participants and learn from their experiences as we engage on the various topics in the program” said Lindiwe Princess Maseko, a participant from Southern Africa.While opening the Institute on behalf of the AACC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki, Rev. Dr. Israel Adelani Akanji, President of the Nigerian Baptist Convention charged participants to strive to be professional theologians who positively contribute to the growth of Christianity in the global south.“I am confident that this program will form me into such a good leader who solves the problems of the church.” Noted Koroma Simon Peter Sam, from Sierra Leone.The institute is running under AACC’s 12th General Assembly theme, "The Love of Christ compels us" (2 Cor 5:14). Throughout the ten days the institute will run, the participants will interrogate how the love of Christ compels us to listen, learn, share insights and care for each other and God’s creation. 
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